
Yaoi Press at Anime Next

Please visit the Yaoi Press booth at Anime Next this weekend. It’s our first time for this NJ convention, but New York Comic Con was a great success so I’m sure this one will be too.

The East Coast team is handling this show while I recover from Anime Expo.

Speaking of AX, I knew one of the Publisher Weekly reporters was going to stop by my booth so I saved a scoop for her. It’s probably small news in comparison to all the other AX announcements. I give 50/50 odds on Publishers Weekly giving me a blurb about it in their AX report. Expect to read about it there, or see it when the press release goes on the wire on Monday.

I will do my best to email the press release direct to all my reporter contacts. If you want to make 100% sure I don’t forget you an email nudge is always appreciated: info (at) yaoipress . com

Edit: I forgot — I wanted to link this ANN article about the Manga Mania panel.